Search Autocomplete Thing I Did
Quick thoughts on building a small search autocomplete tool. What I learned, what I liked and what I didn't like.
Quick thoughts on building a small search autocomplete tool. What I learned, what I liked and what I didn't like.
Six things I learned when looking for a front end web developer job in 2022. Also lists the top FE web dev skills employers are looking for.
JavaScript developers can avoid using frameworks and libraries if the have to, but too many developers avoid them for the wrong reasons.
kaidez updates his JavaScript functional programming/average temperature post to use .filter() instead of an inner loop. Includes demo.
kaidez publishes his 101st post and uses it to reflect on what he's learned as a web developer.
Use JavaScript functional programming to display average temperatures in certain cities. Uses the .map() & .reduce() methods. Includes demo.
Kai takes a simplistic approach to updating his blog, using Jekyll, GitHub Pages, BEM CSS, a little bit of React, webpack and Yarn.
React/Redux are part of JavaScript's progression to a full application language. Study this progression to prepare yourself for the future.
Use JavaScript functional programming to set click-to-link functionality on a set of elements. Code sample has a basic webpack/Babel setup.
Use JavaScript functional programming to format dates with the Date() object. Includes a React example.