HTML5 Project Update: Changing To A Responsive Web Design Using CSS3 Media Queries
An article on responsive web design, CSS3 media queries and using it in kaidez's HTML5 Project, resource list of links at the end
An article on responsive web design, CSS3 media queries and using it in kaidez's HTML5 Project, resource list of links at the end
A negative review of Peachpit Press' jQuery: Visual Quickstart Guide, but it doesn't take away from the fact that the VQS Series is great
Ben Schwarz gives us HTML5-A technical specification for Web developers, translating WHATWG's HTML5 arduous spec into layman's terms
An extensive article with tips, resources and ideas for high school students wanting to work in the web design or development field someday
Walk-through of Aaron T. Grogg's excellent HTML5 Boilerplate-based WordPress theme. Includes a great admin screen for custom configuration.
A quick review of a great WordPress SEO speech from Joost de Valk, AKA Yoast, with the video embedded on the page for instant viewing
Kai Gittens, (kaidez) will be at Microsoft's Mix11 Conference in Las Vegas in April 2011 and will be at the HTML5/CSS3 and jQuery bootcamps
Paul Irish's HTML5 Boilerplate video is extremely informative as it demonstrates many great CSS and JavaScript hacks and best practices
HTML5 Readiness neatly displays browser support for HTML5 and CSS3
A list of great HTML5 articles compiled by kaidez