The HTML5 Boilerplate Video is AWESOME!!!!!!

Most HTML5 fans know about HTML5 Boilerplate, the open-source web page template that’s fully-stocked with lots of cool front-end web development hacks. But I have a feeling that many people simply go to the site, cut-and-paste *parts * of the code, then leave the site without fully absorbing all the site content.
If they are doing this, then they’re missing the absolutely brilliant code walk-through video towards the bottom of the page (the video is also at the end of this post). At 40 minutes long and narrated by Boilerplate creator and über front-end developer Paul Irish, the video thoroughly walks you through all the Boilerplate code, pointing out all the cool coding hacks along the way. And take note: all the hacks can be used for older versions of HTML and not just HTML5, a fact that Irish points out at the beginning of the video.
If you’re a front-end web developer or want to be one, I cannot stress enough how informative this video is. Budget 40 minutes of your time and watch it in its entirety!