The last thing I wrote was Search Autocomplete Thing I Did
Quick thoughts on building a small search autocomplete tool. What I learned, what I liked and what I didn't like.-
What I Learned About Finding A Front End Web Developer Job In 2022
Six things I learned when looking for a front end web developer job in 2022. Also lists the top FE web dev skills employers are looking for. -
JavaScript Developers...Stop HATING Frameworks!!!
JavaScript developers can avoid using frameworks and libraries if the have to, but too many developers avoid them for the wrong reasons. -
Use .filter() Instead of an Inner Loop in My JS Average Temperature Code
kaidez updates his JavaScript functional programming/average temperature post to use .filter() instead of an inner loop. Includes demo. -
My 101st Post – A Retrospective!
kaidez publishes his 101st post and uses it to reflect on what he's learned as a web developer. -
Display Temperature Averages with JavaScript Functional Programming
Use JavaScript functional programming to display average temperatures in certain cities. Uses the .map() & .reduce() methods. Includes demo. -
kaidez 2017 site redesign
Kai takes a simplistic approach to updating his blog, using Jekyll, GitHub Pages, BEM CSS, a little bit of React, webpack and Yarn. -
The State of JavaScript
React/Redux are part of JavaScript's progression to a full application language. Study this progression to prepare yourself for the future. -
Setup Link Functionality with Functional Programming
Use JavaScript functional programming to set click-to-link functionality on a set of elements. Code sample has a basic webpack/Babel setup. -
Format Dates with Functional Programming
Use JavaScript functional programming to format dates with the Date() object. Includes a React example.